Thursday, December 22, 2011

Status Update

Sorry it's been so long getting updates out. I've been so busy with work, school, and my game was being difficult, so I took quite a long break. I finally got the Sims 3 working yesterday. It was so frustrating when the game kept on saying that my mods were incompatible. Finally I wised up and applied the latest patch (1.29) and it worked with ALL my mods on the first try! :D I wish I had pets and generations, but I'll have to make due without for now. Damn, probably should have put them on my christmas list, but I still have my birthday coming soon.

Anyway, 1.5 is up and I still have enough pictures from ages ago for 1.6. I'll be uploading those sometime today, although it will take a while since my desktop computer doesn't have as good a connection to the internet as my laptop and I have a TON of updates to download from various sources. I've really been neglecting my desktop computer.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Splitting the Prism 1.5

Welcome to Day 5 of Splitting the Prism. When we left off, Byelo was sleeping in Ruby's bed. He's really taken quite a-
...fine, have it your way.

Yay! More Afasas!
It's's just... oh never mind.

"Good morning, Ruby" :D
Why did I save this? -_-

"Ruuuby, my dishes are all dirty D:"
... seriously, why are you such a slob around here, Byelo?

Who does he think he is, ordering me around? D:<
I'm not sure, Ruby... I really don't know.

"There, I saved you from the big bad dirty dish, happy?"

Hehe, as feisty as a dragon.
Just saying, red skin.

"You remind me of a rose!"
*giggles* "Really?"
Huh, wonder where he got that idea from...

*grins* Red and white flowers look nice together.
I didn't even know you knew what those were o.o

Oh yeah, the book.
I wish I could take this with me...
I don't think you'll need that by the time you can.

"You're amazing, you know that?"

"No more than you are, Ruby."

Ugh, so tired..
*confused* Did something happen off-camera there that I forgot?

Why is driver missing...?
What a wierdo. No wonder she was begging me to take her shift.

Uh Byelo... maybe you should take the day off...

+1 Logic & Guitar, +§3 raise (§24/hour), +§143 despite being exhausted and smelly.
It must have been the Afasas! :D
I'm kinda scared now.

Damn that guy is scary. o_o"

... just a little farther..
"So tired..."
Go to sleep Byelo. I don't care where, just go.

... I'm so stupid. Why didn't I think of this earlier?
Of course he hates showers and cleaning dishes.
Stupid hydrophobe. 

<< Drama LlamaMidlife Crisis >>

Friday, June 24, 2011

Splitting the Prism 1.4

Good morning By- wait, why is the ceiling Black??
You're shorter than me.
... I'm fun-sized damnit.


... I want to make a circle~

It stinks in here. :D
<.< No, really?

Why is this THING still here? D:
... because I'm not going to waste your money trying to figure out what you want -_-

Why am I in the backseat? -_-
Uh, because you sat there for once?
Thank heavens, I was getting tired of the freak staring at my boobs.
Where are you going, anyway?
To the park. :D

Ooo this one is wearing white!
I see, deciding to meet more locals! Why didn't I think of that?

"The sun's really cool..."
*yawns* Boy is she booooring~
... that's not very nice...

*sighs* You're SUCH a drama llama. >.>

... and you're actually snoring?

"Blast you infernal device!" D:<
Serves you right for sleeping in a park. Damn hobo.

Why so serious?

Ah, here again. You do know that she might not let you back in, right?
*pokes the door frame*
*sigh* You might want to try knocking.

Uh... that's kinda creepy.
Are you sure we have the right address?

"Welcome back Byelo~"
Not creepy at all... noooo

Yes, corner the creepy girl in the corner of her house.
That sounds like a perfect idea.
*rolls eyes*

"So, about those pictures... "
Here we go again... ._.

"Do you have a camera?"

"Uhm, does it look like I have a camera?"

"Then why are you asking for pictures? Don't you have anything better to do?" D:<
Nope, not really.

"I want pictures because you're beautiful and make my insides flutter like a little winged creature that loves big rocks."
... I'm trying to figure out if that's cute or pathetic.

"And also, I am afraid of swiming."
Oooh, that explains everything.
... what does that have to do with anything?

pretty hair
*stares at something random*
... you two are made for each other. Clearly.

This would make the perfect picture...

You mean like this? ...I don't see it.

"I'ma moose!"
"I am a Maiska"
... what the heck is a Maiska?

I wonder if she has a guitar...
Hmm, I bet she has enough money for one...

More Mac and Cheese? Really? Is that all you know how to make?

D: Nooooo, I burnt it!
... smoooth

Ugh, I can't believe I ate all of it.
Mm, this looks like Afasas Soup. Reminds me of my hatchling days...
... would you STOP making up words? And you were not born of an egg!

Sure tasted different from what I remember...
No, really? >.>

I wonder if the things in that book work...
Uh oh, he's taking advice from a book. This could be-

...bad? Huh, well look at that. Seems she fell for your alien charm.
Please don't hate me... please?

She loves me!
So it seems...

"So, do you like vegetables?"
-_- really? I hold your hands and you start talking about vegetables?
Maybe she's nervous? You know... some girls start talking about random things when they're too afraid to admit something...

"Can I read your diary?"
o.o Is this guy for real?
... Byelo... that's private stuff ya know..

I dislike this device.
... but you have the same exact thing at home! What about the shower behind you?

What is it for again?
Waste disposal, Byelo. I told you this the LAST time you asked.

I really want a guitar.
For the last time Byelo, I you can't have a guitar until you get enough money! Kapesh?

"So, Byelo... I've been thinking.."

"You're kinda cute. And I like you"

*happy* :D

"So... would you like to go to the beach with me?"
What did I say about girls and changing subjects...

"You don't want to go with me?"

"Of course I do!"
*mind is blown*

Awwwwwh, Byelo got his first kiss :D

Whoa... that's moving kinda fast there.. Byelo
From first kiss to sleeping together in one night?
I wanna car *snore*

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