Friday, September 14, 2012

Splitting the Prism 1.8

Welcome back to Splitting the Prism! I apologize for the lack of updates, I've been lazy and this next one is relatively tame in comparison to some earlier episodes. I still hope you enjoy it though.

Byelo's still following his dream.
He's lucky I decided to bend the build-a-city rules a bit and leave the theater untouched.
Normally he would have to master the guitar before I could place it.
I'm kinda jealous to be honest.

As for Ruby, well she has an easy Lifetime Wish.
Growing the Perfect Garden is very achievable if time consuming.
Whenever I come by the house I don't have to tell her to tend her garden.
Hopefully that means she's doing it on her own.

...I just realized that I didn't let all the furniture load before taking this shot and I had it on cutout mode... >.<

"So, I hear you like diamonds..."

"When I become hit composer, I will buy some for you."

"...but for now I'll write another song about you."

Finally got the motivation the clean eh?
Talking to Ruby is fun :D

You needed a garbage bag for that?
I should get you an indoor trashcan for these kind of things.

My waste disposal unit seems to be plugged... D:
... how the heck did you manage to plug the toilet by peeing? O.o

Guitar will make everything better :D's just a clogged toilet. Not that hard to fix, Byelo.

Oh I wish I had a waste disposal unit
that never broke or jammed~

And a home with no plumbing would make
the best house ever planned~

I don't even wanna know what kind of a dance you're planning to that...

<< The Slider Scare Chasing Bambi >>

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