Saturday, September 15, 2012

Splitting the Prism 1.9

Oh goodie, looks like she does tend her garden in the mornings.
One less thing I'll have to worry about.
Oh and sorry for the cut-out... again >.<

"...I'm not over-reacting right? He'll visit me eventually..."
Ooookay, I'll just make my way back to Byelo's and pretend I didn't see that...
She's just in shade btw. It's not night out.

Good, something normal... or rather abnormally normal.
I should get him a table one of these days.

*narrows eyes* Is it just me, or does that mini-fridge look like it's floating?
The refrigeration unit? I made some improvements :D
...Mental note: Replace fridge.

With all this practicing, you'll be a master in no time :D
Now if only you'd pay more attention to Ruby...

Something in this room is disgusting...
Yeah, that would be your toilet. Fix it.

Maybe I shouldn't have put quite so many stairs...
and put the house closer to the road

Hey, Byelo! Wait!
You want to jam with someone right?
Yes? :D
Well, one of your coworkers is over there jamming right now, why don't you join him?

Not so crazy anymore now huh? :P

I sense a deer O-O *stops playing and chases after it*
Through all that noise? Seriously?
This guy is awesome.
He's also your boss's husband.
Kassiopea is kinda cool. Can't believe she came all this way to hear me play.
Kind of odd that your wife isn't here actually, Mr Ngo...

Really? You came all the way out here chasing a disappearing deer and decide to play on a deserted street corner?

You are right... oo what is that?
I'm not sure. Why don't you go home?

*stares* Funny creature
Oh a cockatoo, why don't you pick it up and keep it as a pet?

I don't have a cage to put it in silly.
Oh yeah, and that costs money.

And back home via cab. Which makes me wonder, where the heck does that driver live and why does he use a VAN instead of a taxi to take Byelo to work?
I wonder if there's a mod for that...

Then go in and eat a sandwich or something.

Byelo, that's your bed... not the fridge.

zzZzz Bed comfy...
...okay, but don't come whining to me if you end up starving in your sleep :\

<< Plugged

Friday, September 14, 2012

Splitting the Prism 1.8

Welcome back to Splitting the Prism! I apologize for the lack of updates, I've been lazy and this next one is relatively tame in comparison to some earlier episodes. I still hope you enjoy it though.

Byelo's still following his dream.
He's lucky I decided to bend the build-a-city rules a bit and leave the theater untouched.
Normally he would have to master the guitar before I could place it.
I'm kinda jealous to be honest.

As for Ruby, well she has an easy Lifetime Wish.
Growing the Perfect Garden is very achievable if time consuming.
Whenever I come by the house I don't have to tell her to tend her garden.
Hopefully that means she's doing it on her own.

...I just realized that I didn't let all the furniture load before taking this shot and I had it on cutout mode... >.<

"So, I hear you like diamonds..."

"When I become hit composer, I will buy some for you."

"...but for now I'll write another song about you."

Finally got the motivation the clean eh?
Talking to Ruby is fun :D

You needed a garbage bag for that?
I should get you an indoor trashcan for these kind of things.

My waste disposal unit seems to be plugged... D:
... how the heck did you manage to plug the toilet by peeing? O.o

Guitar will make everything better :D's just a clogged toilet. Not that hard to fix, Byelo.

Oh I wish I had a waste disposal unit
that never broke or jammed~

And a home with no plumbing would make
the best house ever planned~

I don't even wanna know what kind of a dance you're planning to that...

<< The Slider Scare Chasing Bambi >>

Monday, September 3, 2012

Splitting the Prism Build a City Challenge Update

So, for the past couple of days I've been trying to figure out how to integrate the Build a City challenge into the other challenges that I have listed. I decided to go ahead and save all of the lots and delete the unused ones from the map in a separate world save. I wanted to move Byelo's house, but I created his lot as 64x64 and the largest lot in Neverglade is 60x60. There's prolly a way to adjust it, but it's getting late and I'm not going to search for that solution quite yet. I've already moved most of the other occupied houses so that they are closer to their careers.

Now, I know that the career buildings should not be unlocked yet, but that's one of the points I've decided to tweak. Since I've already so far into the episodes, I decided that buildings already used would stay. However, additional buildings would follow a hybrid of the original rules and my own, which I think make more sense. Each community building has a price, just the same as a residential building. This means that I can set a target monetary amount for the creation of a building. Lets say a new sim comes to town and they really want to top the Culinary track. Since there are no bistro, dives, or diners, they would have to survive on a different cash source until he or she raises enough money to build that building. For this example, the Bar and Grill would be 4,426 simoleons, which isn't all that hard to reach. Alternatively, the sim can petition the mayor (if there is one) to create a mileage for the construction of the building out of taxes from other sims.

Of course, for there to be a mayor you need a political building, i.e. City Hall...and for there to be a city hall, it must be constructed. Since a city hall is a prominent building, a money pool can be created or a rich sim may donate towards the creation of the building. The criteria for a mayor is the same as in the original Build a City rules. Additionally, some buildings would need extra criteria before they can be placed. A sports bar, for instance, would require that a sim has topped the Sports career. A Horse Ranch would require domesticated horses, a vampire lounge requires at least 10 vampires, etc...

Since I have been so focused on this nagging question, I have been neglecting Byelo. Another issue that has come up is the scale of his lifespan in comparison to a normal human's. For elves, I bumped their age to 10x that of a human. I've been thinking of making Byelo's just 2x as long as a human's. I could do the opposite and make it 2x shorter, but I've grown rather fond of him :P. With this scaling, I will be factoring "half-aliens" and so forth. Vampires will be immortal and stuck in the stage they were created in (which is the way it SHOULD be imo... none of this walking-in-the-sun-and-sparkling BS) until they are cured. I have also integrated a mod that should allow vampires to kill and be killed.

Please, let me know what you think about the direction I'm going in. Critique is greatly appreciated. Please leave a comment at the bottom of the page here or at the TSW Fanon article page for this site. Thank you.

EDIT: In an act of utter stupidity, I transferred my blog account over without the pictures. Sooo, no pictures on my blog at all. I'll have to re-upload ALL of them and re-embed them. Sorry for the inconvenience. This could take a while and I'm already rather tired. It will have to wait till tomorrow. D:

EDIT: The images for Splitting the Prism have been recovered, but those for The Orchid Chronicles had long been deleted on my desktop. The same goes for the other Sims 2 images I had in the first post. However, the Orchid Chronicles have been revised into a textual form as I believe I was verbose enough in that series.